On last night’s season three premiere of Scandal, “It’s Handled,” Olivia Pope has a one on one with dad; dad is hell and high water; Cyrus promises to take care of the leak; the gladiators prove they’re not bitches; and Olivia finally gets an accepting client.

Copyright ABC Networks
By Tara Moore–
The whole idea of a DC fixer will often times entail a few cover ups to protect the power elite of Washington. But when the protected becomes the number one fixer in DC herself, how do you help her? After Olivia Pope had a long chat with her father Rowan, who happens to have Captain Jake Ballard in Huck‘s hole, he demanded she board a private jet and disappear. In a last-ditch attempt to communicate with the present, she contacts Cyrus from the plane to let him know she’s disappearing. He will not have it. Instead, he promises to kill the story, fix it, save her from the ugly truth that just reared its ugly head in the public eye. She believes him, and stops the plane. Dad is not very happy about this but she manages to storm past him and make it to her office.
The crew at Olivia Pope and Associates, led by an irate Harrison and extremely willing-to-kill-an-intern Quinn, are all realizing that Olivia is not trying to take care of herself. They take matters into their own hands. In a very Harrison but very real moment, he asks them all, “Are we gladiators, or are we bitches?” Looks like they’re all gladiators. The swiftness in which they handled Liv’s scandal by pinning the scandal on yet another innocent White House aide who apparently finds the president “hot” almost made us forget the even bigger problem; who would leak Liv’s name to the press?
I like to think this show is sometimes predictable, but if any of the over the top gasping that occurred on our end last season is an indication, that would be a joke. The secret service was an easy assumption, but their loyalty has always lied with President Fitzgerald Grant, even in the few times they’ve let Mellie manipulate them. So what was really happening was still up in the air. When Liv used her one favor to see the president, and brought Mellie along, Fitz seemed way too calm. Like he wasn’t stressed, or upset that things had fallen apart so quickly. But the smart, very political savvy Mellie figured it all out, even before Liv did.
It was Fitz. Fitz had a secret service agent leak her name intentionally at the bar where journalists snoop around, all in an attempt to somehow free Liv from Mellie’s control. In some twisted way, this makes sense, perhaps because he knew her crew would know how to handle it. But the bigger possibility is that Fitz really is as selfish as he seems with her; he wasn’t worried about destroying her public image, as long as she was able to piece his image back together for him. The few times that we see Fitz in roles just as manipulative as Mellie, it catches us off guard, but definitely keeps the show unpredictable.
We’re waiting for Liv to find out, that will be a good discovery episode. But an even better discovery? Finding Jake Ballard’s location. The fact that she even questioned her father about his whereabouts indicated that we have not seen or heard the last of him, so here’s to his swift rescue.
By the way, did we mention the wronged White House aide used to take attention away from Liv, is actually Liv’s new client? Things are about to get interesting.